Thursday, December 13, 2012

Adventures in Content Planning

"So, what is the point of this blog anyway?" Well that is a good question, whoever you are. The main thing will be what are basically text Let's Plays done up in episodes; these will have images and other related media to make the post easier to absorb for those with weak imaginations. I've never done anything like this before so I really don't know the "proper" and "acceptable" way of writing these things so my first few dozen posts will be somewhat experimental. 

Basically when I play video games I find a lot of things to nitpick at and think/talk about so there may be a lot of that, also I'm not sure how much should be described. I've actually already written one but am not sure if I should submit it because it probably takes longer to read than it does to actually play the portion of the game it's about. If anyone actually reads these please give me feedback and criticism; tell me what you like (if anything) and what you don't like (be more specific than "it sucks") because otherwise I won't know what's working.

There will also be reviews and I plan to end most of my LP "adventures" with a review of the game. It won't be 100% games though, I'll also review movies (probably even more frequently than video games) and other things that I feel can and should be reviewed. Be warned, I'm behind on everything so don't be surprised if I review something that was released weeks, months, even years ago.

You can't have a blog without the occasional rant. These can happen anywhere and anytime in my adventures so be prepared and do know that I won't blame you if you skip over these because my rants can be pretty freaking branchy like, really, what kind of a word is "branchy"? Is this blog going to be about trees now? Am I going to review trees? Who the hell came up with that idea because it certainly wasn't me and there's only two of us here.

There will probably be news-y things as well, mostly related to nerdy media. Well... I guess this whole blog is related to nerdy media so that should be either something you're used to or something that will help you explore your masochistic side.

Oh, and I don't know if I like the "Adventures in" thing anymore so I may just drop that eventually because it's gonna get old. We'll see.

Anyway here are some things I have planned:

Adventures in Lord of the Rings Online (wherein I spend the entire first post deciding what class to play, then the second post choosing which race to play as...)

Adventures in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (wherein I die a lot and spend hours Alt+Tabbing to MSPaint because there is no screenshot button)

Adventures in The Secret World (wherein I try to figure out how to start an adventure that's already started without starting a new character)

Adventures in Film ft. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (wherein we realize that not all of my plans have a wherein)

Heads-up: My posts may contain spoilers. I will alert you of serious ones and I'll figure out a way to mask them so you have to actively spoil yourself, that way you can't ever blame me for telling you that Aeris dies in FF7 although you should probably know that by now because the game is ages old. Seriously, you can multiply it by two and reach an existing game now and that's not a joke it's just a fact.

If you have any ideas for content, let me know. If I have to buy it I probably won't get around to a post about it anytime soon, but suggest it anyway. Honestly though with my limited budget and time free games are best and short ones will be easier to write about.

This is the end of the post and there isn't anything funny about that.

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